Living Life Balanced. My motto. As a health coach, I work with a variety of different clients, yet one thing remains the same – they all come to me, wanting to make a change. Through my Health and Fitness Management degree, ACE Health Coach & Fitness Nutrition Specialist and other certifications, I have learned two really important things. The first is that I want to help people live a balanced life. What that means is no restrictions, no crash diets and no extreme exercise routines. It means trying new foods, new recipes, enjoying your favorite treats in moderation and discovering what works for you in all dimensions of wellness. It is not about being perfect. It is about creating healthy, lifelong habits. The second – is that you have to want and believe you can do it.
If you think that you will never be able to lose weight, guess what? You won’t ever lose it. You act in accordance of your beliefs. Your mindset is everything. It’s worth more than any degree, education, job or training. It is your greatest asset. If your mindset says that you will do whatever it takes, then you will follow through. So, how do you become the person you believe that you can be?
Mindset You either have a fixed or a positive growth mindset. A fixed mindset means that you believe your basic abilities, intelligence and talents are fixed traits. You might think “it’s hard for me to lose weight” and therefore will avoid experiences that might make you feel like a failure. As a result, you never learn and don’t get any better. With a growth mindset, you understand that your talents, intelligence and abilities can be developed through effort, learning and persistence. These are the people who are more likely to maximize their potential. You overcome challenges and learn from criticism and failure rather than avoiding or ignoring it. Nothing worthwhile in this life comes easy. If it did, everyone would be doing it, but everyone is NOT doing it. They don’t do it because it is hard, they lack the courage, follow their peers and stay on the easy road. But guess what? The easy road eventually becomes the hard road. In order to have what you don’t have, you have to do the things that you don’t normally do. Will you fight for your goals, your dreams, your vision? Or will you just watch it pass you by? Eliminate all forms of retreat, there is no plan B. Fight for it because it is your only option. Be positive, you know you can do this. Process Now that you have a positive mindset, how exactly do you get from point A to point B? You do so with small, repeated actions. You just need to simply focus on the process. Show up, stick to the schedule and don’t quit. Eventually the results and self-confidence will come. You can actually mold your brain or develop neural pathways just by doing or thinking particular things over and over again. It becomes hardwired into our brains as habits. These form routes which become easier to use as time goes on. It’s not the results that set people apart, it’s their dedication to daily practice. You can restrict yourself from all unhealthy foods just fit in your “little black dress” be miserable and then gain the weight back when you can’t keep it up OR you can focus on the process of building a better identity rather than only focusing on the results. Good habits come from behavior change. Sustainable and long-lasting change starts with making small behavior changes, not focusing on results like performance or appearance. We are NOT defined by the result. Losses & Wins There will be setbacks along the way, but a setback is just another opportunity to learn. It is “what can I do better next time?” vs “how did I do”? Winners are just former losers who lost so many times that they learned a lot of lessons and opportunities to grow along the way. You will lose, you will have setbacks or relapses, but if you maintain a positive outlook, you will jump right back in with even more skills and knowledge than ever before. Being successful doesn’t come easy. It takes a lot of faith, hard work, focus and sacrifices. But if you want it, it is 100% worth it. Celebrate your successes, not matter how big or small. You are doing this, you are in control and you are making positive changes one step at a time. Feel proud, accomplished, capable, strong and empowered by what you are doing. Find inspiration in the success of others rather than feeling threatened. Let’s help lift each other up! Get your mind right. Focus on the process. Learn from your losses and celebrate your wins. You CAN and you WILL reach your goals. Posts may contain affiliate links. If you purchase a product through an affiliate link, your cost will be the same but Elena McCown, LLC will receive a small commission. Your support is greatly appreciated! The information I provide is not to take the place of your personal physician’s advice and is not intended to diagnose, cure, treat or prevent any disease. Please discuss this information with your own healthcare provider to determine what is right for you. All information is intended for your general knowledge and is not a substitute for medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. I share general health and wellness recipes, ideas, documents, motivation and other related information that is aimed to help you take your health into your own hands.
8/14/2018 09:05:59 pm
We all know that this is not something that we can do as fast as we can. Living a balanced life requires lots of sacrifice, efforts and of course time. However, we all know that in the end, once we achieve the benefits of living this kind of life, everything will be worth it. I wish I can do the same thing with my life. I would definitely want to live a life that will give me some inner peace and calmness which are the things that make life happier and better.
7/26/2019 08:04:40 am
Our mindset affects everything in our life, from what we think and feel to how we react to the globe around us. To accomplish the objective, our mental attitude has to match with our aspiration. By changing your self-talk, changing the language, and surrounding yourself with the people having similar mindsets, you can change your present mindset. Changing the thought pattern can change the world. Well, it is just a life, so, obviously it will be changed with the change in your mindset.
9/25/2024 06:33:45 am
Relapse can be part of the process; it’s important to stay resilient.
10/12/2024 03:39:06 am
Detox Nashville taught me the value of vulnerability.
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About MeI am a food loving, activity seeking health coach who resides in Franklin, TN with my husband and two sweet dogs (Lola & Penny). AllergiesI believe everyone should eat balanced and not cut food groups if you don't medically need to. All foods can fit in a healthy diet. Unfortunately, I have to avoid gluten and also limit myself with dairy, so my goal is to provide healthy, gluten-free/dairy-free recipes so EVERYONE can enjoy all foods, even if you do have to cut out certain food groups. My recipes are encouraged for everyone to eat, not just for those with sensitivities/allergies! Most of my recipes can be easily converted by using real dairy and whole-wheat in place of my allergy-free substitutes. SearchLooking for something specific? Everything can be found by category under the "Life" and "Recipes" sections on my website or you can search below. Archives
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