I feel like fall came in fast...cool weather and everything! To celebrate the first day of fall yesterday I wanted to make a festive dinner, and what is more festive than pumpkins and chili? This recipe is super easy to throw in the slow cooker and as a bonus your house smells delicious all day. The pumpkin flavor is mild, the spice is there but not in your face, and all of the other vegetables paired with the chicken makes for a healthy, well rounded, hearty yet light and refreshing, bowl of chili! If you are like me and can't find pumpkin in the grocery stores, have no fear, you can buy pumpkin baby food in the little jars and it works just as well :) Total Time: 15 minutes to prep + (6 hours in slow cooker)
Serves: 4 Ingredients
If you like this recipe, download the Prepear app for more of my recipes (plus thousands of others), meal planning, grocery list creating AND grocery ordering from Walmart!
It is almost fall...that seems almost unbe-LEAF-able, doesn't it!?
I have BEAN waiting for this. Fall doesn't mean it's time for a siesta, we are going to fiesta! Join us on Friday, September 25 from 6:00pm - 7:30pm (CDT) via Zoom to bring in the first weekend of autumn with a fall fiesta, Cuban-style! We will be making: Cuban Picadillo with Ground Beef (GF/DF with a jackfruit vegan option) Beans and Rice with Plantains (GF/DF) Maple Mojito (made with rum or your favorite liquor) $20 per household. Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for event invites to each cooking class. Sign-up today to secure your spot by clicking on the links below. After you register, the week before class starts, you will receive an e-mail with a list of ingredients so you can buy your groceries and prepare ahead of time, as well as the Zoom meeting information! See you then! Register for this class by selecting Fall Fiesta and then Add to Cart. By clicking Add to Cart you agree to the Agreement, Waiver and Release below. For information and to register for other classes, click here.
Hold Harmless Agreement, Waiver and Release
In consideration of being permitted by Elena McCown, LLC to participate in a virtual cooking class, I hereby waive, release and discharge any and all claims for damages or personal injury, death, or property damage which I may have or which may hereafter accrue as a result of my participation in said activity. This release is intended to discharge, in advance, Elena McCown, LLC, its officers, directors, members and managers, and all other members of its virtual cooking school staff whether contracted, employed or related, from and against any and all liability arising out of or connected to in any way with any participation in said activity. I understand that the activity that I am participating in may be of a hazardous nature and/or include physical and/or strenuous activity, that serious accidents occasionally occur during the said activity; and that participants in the said activity can occasionally sustain personal injuries as a consequence thereof. I also recognize that all people react to food differently and I will avoid the foods that I know I am allergic to and will ask for substitutions when necessary. Knowing the risks involved, nevertheless, I have voluntarily applied to participate in said activity, and I hereby agree to assume any and all risks of injury or death and to release and hold harmless Elena McCown, LLC, its officers, directors, members and managers, and all other members of its cooking school staff whether contracted or employed, or related, who might otherwise be liable to me. I further understand and agree that this waiver, release and assumption of risks is to be binding on my heirs and assigns. I hereby grant Elena McCown, LLC all rights and consent to copyright, use, re‐use, publish or re‐publish, copy, exhibit or distribute all photographs I have posted of the food I created to be used for Elena McCown, LLC website, social media, and any educational, training or promotional electronic or printed material without restriction as to frequency or duration of usage and without compensation. By agreeing to this waiver by clicking BuyNow, I acknowledge that I have carefully read this Hold Harmless Agreement, Waiver and Release and fully understand its contents. I am aware that this is a release of liability and a contract between myself and Elena McCown, LLC and any staff member of cooking class whether contracted or employed, or related. You can't really go wrong with chicken tenders for dinner, am I right? We usually have some kind of chicken tender option in the freezer for when we feel too lazy or don't have enough time to cook. Also, we just really like them and they are fun to eat - reminds us of childhood! But sometimes, we like to make them ourselves. You can definitely make a large batch of these to store in the freezer for those need-a-meal-in-a-hurry days, and you can feel good knowing that they are made with wholesome ingredients! We also usually have potatoes in the pantry so we can make a quick version of baked fries. Zucchini is another staple that can last longer in the fridge and is easy to whip up in no time! Serve it all with a handful of raspberries and you have yourself a well rounded meal! Total Time: 40 minutes
Serves: 4 Ingredients
If you like this recipe, download the Prepear app for more of my recipes (plus thousands of others), meal planning, grocery list creating AND grocery ordering from Walmart! Don't be afraid to take whisks! I guess you could say that is my new business approach (especially this year)! As you can imagine, a lot of my business ideas didn't take place this year like I had originally planned. Instead, I rolled with the punches and started figuring out how to adapt. I first started with my Shelter-in-Race Virtual 5k, 10k, 15k, or Half Marathon and a few months later added in the Stars & Strides 5k because I loved feeling connected to others even while we couldn't physically be together. That gave me another idea... Knowing so many people were home spending more time trying to figure what to eat while in quarantine, maybe never cooked before but wanted to learn, or just wanted a fun event to look forward to - I created my new virtual cooking classes! I figured if everyone is home and looking for things to do and food to eat, why not make it a fun activity?! My husband (Josh, AKA my sous-chef) and I always watch Food Network so I thought it would be exciting to not only show people how to cook (virtually) but to actually do it with them at the same time! We also thought this would be a great time to show people that you can still eat delicious food without having to order out all the time AND eat healthy, well balanced meals (with a few treats included)! Every month I provide the recipes with the corresponding grocery list so all you have to do is order your groceries and then follow along with our instructions! The class takes place through Zoom and averages about an hour and a half long. I usually start with a cocktail so we can sip as we cook together. During the class you will be muted with the option to un-mute yourself to ask any questions. It is encouraged to be interactive; we usually cheers after we make our drinks and then take a group picture with our final meal! You can then enjoy your meal on your own afterwards (feel free to post about it and tag @elenamccown on social media)! All meals can be made gluten-free, dairy-free, or vegetarian. Please let me know if you have any other special considerations and I can cater the recipe to your individual needs. The meals serve 4 but can easily be multiplied or divided based on how many people you will be cooking for/with. The classes are designed to be fun yet helpful with simple healthy cooking tips and tricks. This is a great event for beginners or advanced home cooks! Join us! So far, all of the classes have been a hit! The meals and drinks have been delicious and now the participants have the recipes and knowledge on hand to pull from and make on their own. There are some participants who cook solo, some who use it as a date night and others who make it a family affair - there is a little something for everybody. The list below is all of the classes that have been taught previously and the ones that are planned for the rest of the year. April- Taco Party: Turkey Tacos and White Bean Guacamole with a Fresh Margarita May- Pasta Night: Vegetarian Stuffed Pasta Shells and Tomato Cucumber Salad with an Aperol Spritz June- Cupcakes & Coffee: Hummingbird Muffins with Tahini Frosting and a Coffee Soda July- Banh Mi Bowls: Banh Mi Noodle Bowls with Pork Meatballs and a Coconut Fizz August- Summer BBQ Salad: BBQ Ranch Chicken Salad with Skillet Cornbread and a Peach Shrub September 25 (6pm-7:30pm)- Fall Fiesta: Cuban Picadillo with Ground Beef (or Jackfruit), Beans and Rice with Plantains and a Maple Mojito October 24 (5pm-6:30pm)- Spice is Nice: Curry with Shrimp (or Chickpeas) over Sweet Potatoes and Raita served with Naan and a Spiced Mule November 21 (5pm-6:30pm)- Comfort Classics: Chicken Pot Pie with Apple Cider Sangria December 12 (5pm - 6:30pm)- Christmas Cookie Decorating: Oatmeal Rolled Sugar Cookies with Frosting and a Charcuterie Tray with a Holiday Old Fashioned So, let's make lemon pie out of lemons. Life is what you bake it after all! $20 per household. Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for event invites to each cooking class. Sign-up today to secure your spot by clicking on the links below. After you register, the week before class starts, you will receive an e-mail with a list of ingredients so you can buy your groceries and prepare ahead of time, as well as the Zoom meeting information! See you then! Register for each class by clicking Add to Cart. By clicking Add to Cart you agree to the Agreement, Waiver and Release below. *Dates, times and menus are subject to change. Hold Harmless Agreement, Waiver and Release
In consideration of being permitted by Elena McCown, LLC to participate in a virtual cooking class, I hereby waive, release and discharge any and all claims for damages or personal injury, death, or property damage which I may have or which may hereafter accrue as a result of my participation in said activity. This release is intended to discharge, in advance, Elena McCown, LLC, its officers, directors, members and managers, and all other members of its virtual cooking school staff whether contracted, employed or related, from and against any and all liability arising out of or connected to in any way with any participation in said activity. I understand that the activity that I am participating in may be of a hazardous nature and/or include physical and/or strenuous activity, that serious accidents occasionally occur during the said activity; and that participants in the said activity can occasionally sustain personal injuries as a consequence thereof. I also recognize that all people react to food differently and I will avoid the foods that I know I am allergic to and will ask for substitutions when necessary. Knowing the risks involved, nevertheless, I have voluntarily applied to participate in said activity, and I hereby agree to assume any and all risks of injury or death and to release and hold harmless Elena McCown, LLC, its officers, directors, members and managers, and all other members of its cooking school staff whether contracted or employed, or related, who might otherwise be liable to me. I further understand and agree that this waiver, release and assumption of risks is to be binding on my heirs and assigns. I hereby grant Elena McCown, LLC all rights and consent to copyright, use, re‐use, publish or re‐publish, copy, exhibit or distribute all photographs I have posted of the food I created to be used for Elena McCown, LLC website, social media, and any educational, training or promotional electronic or printed material without restriction as to frequency or duration of usage and without compensation. By agreeing to this waiver by clicking BuyNow, I acknowledge that I have carefully read this Hold Harmless Agreement, Waiver and Release and fully understand its contents. I am aware that this is a release of liability and a contract between myself and Elena McCown, LLC and any staff member of cooking class whether contracted or employed, or related. |
About MeI am a food loving, activity seeking health coach who resides in Franklin, TN with my husband and two sweet dogs (Lola & Penny). AllergiesI believe everyone should eat balanced and not cut food groups if you don't medically need to. All foods can fit in a healthy diet. Unfortunately, I have to avoid gluten and also limit myself with dairy, so my goal is to provide healthy, gluten-free/dairy-free recipes so EVERYONE can enjoy all foods, even if you do have to cut out certain food groups. My recipes are encouraged for everyone to eat, not just for those with sensitivities/allergies! Most of my recipes can be easily converted by using real dairy and whole-wheat in place of my allergy-free substitutes. SearchLooking for something specific? Everything can be found by category under the "Life" and "Recipes" sections on my website or you can search below. Archives
October 2024
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