Warm-up! Circuit (45 seconds each exercise with 15 second rest. Perform each round twice) Repeat Round x 2 Repeat Round x 2 Repeat Round x 2 IYTW Formation (Perform each "letter" for 10 seconds.) Repeat Round x 2
Warm-up! Circuit (45 seconds each exercise with 15 second rest. Perform each round twice.) Repeat This Round x 2 Repeat This Round x 2 Repeat This Round x 2 Repeat This Round x 2 Stretch!
Perform #1 once a week and #2 once a week with an option to perform one of them again (or do yoga). Space bodyweight workouts out with at least one day in between. Example: Mon- bodyweight workout, Tuesday - walk, Wednesday - bodyweight workout, Thursday - bike, Friday - yoga. Each exercise will be performed for 60 seconds. Beginners - 1 set, Intermediate - 2 sets, Advanced - 3 sets. Go through all exercises (of either #1 or #2) and then repeat for desired set amount. You don't need much recovery time in between exercises or sets so this workout with 3 sets should be completed in about 30 minutes. Don't forget to warm-up, cool-down and stretch. Message me with any questions! #1 #2